Display Jupyter Notebooks with Academic

Learn how to blog in Academic using Jupyter notebooks

from IPython.core.display import Image


print("Welcome to Academic!")
Welcome to Academic!

Install Python and JupyterLab

Install Anaconda which includes Python 3 and JupyterLab.

Alternatively, install JupyterLab with pip3 install jupyterlab.

Create or upload a Jupyter notebook

Run the following commands in your Terminal, substituting <MY-WEBSITE-FOLDER> and <SHORT-POST-TITLE> with the file path to your Academic website folder and a short title for your blog post (use hyphens instead of spaces), respectively:

mkdir -p <MY-WEBSITE-FOLDER>/content/post/<SHORT-POST-TITLE>/
jupyter lab index.ipynb

The jupyter command above will launch the JupyterLab editor, allowing us to add Academic metadata and write the content.

Edit your post metadata

The first cell of your Jupter notebook will contain your post metadata (front matter).

In Jupter, choose Markdown as the type of the first cell and wrap your Academic metadata in three dashes, indicating that it is YAML front matter:

title: My post's title
date: 2019-09-01

# Put any other Academic metadata here...

Edit the metadata of your post, using the documentation as a guide to the available options.

To set a featured image, place an image named featured into your post’s folder.

For other tips, such as using math, see the guide on writing content with Academic.

Convert notebook to Markdown

jupyter nbconvert index.ipynb --to markdown --NbConvertApp.output_files_dir=.


This post was created with Jupyter. The orginal files can be found at https://github.com/gcushen/hugo-academic/tree/master/exampleSite/content/post/jupyter

Nicolas Behr
Nicolas Behr
CNRS Researcher in Computer Science

I am a CNRS researcher in theoretical computer science at IRIF, Université Paris Cité. Previously, I have been a Short-Term Fellow at CRI Paris in spring and summer of 2020, working on the development of tracelet-analysis algorithms for the biochemistry platform Kappa and for the organo-chemistry platform MØD. I previously held a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (2017-2019), working in the field of theoretical computer science at IRIF, Université Paris Diderot. The aim of my project with Jean Krivine (IRIF) consisted in developing extensions of my rule-algebraic framework to restricted variants of rewriting and to the biochemical reaction language Kappa. I am also frequently to be found at the LPTMC of the UPMC/Sorbonne/Paris 06, working with Gérard H.E. Duchamp (Paris 13) and Karol A. Penson (Paris 6) on topics in combinatorics. My previous positions include a Postdoc position with Vincent Danos at ENS Paris and at University of Edinburgh (2014-2017) and a Postdoc position in mathematical physics with Anatoly Konechny at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh (2011-2014).